Anti Bullying Strategy Statement


Children and young people (CYP) with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) may not have sufficient understanding or awareness that certain behaviours directed towards others may be undesirable or that they might be construed as bullying. Similarly, SEND CYP who are the recipients of such behaviours may be unable to express or communicate their aversion to such behaviours or to tell adults. This means that all employees within Brunel Academies Trust (BAT) and Brunel Education (BE), collectively referred to as Brunel, have a duty to not only be aware of such behaviours and of any CYP involved, but also to respond appropriately to instances of bullying behaviours.

Definition of bullying

“Bullying is a pattern of behaviour, rather than an isolated incident and the bully is aware of the impact of their behaviour”

We believe

  • CYP should never experience abuse of any kind.
  • We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all CYP, to keep them safe and operate in a way that protects them.

We recognise

  • that bullying happens, and it could happen in Brunel provisions. Bullying is not acceptable, no matter what form it takes and we address concerns as they arise.
  • bullying causes real distress and affects a person’s health and development.
  • in some instances, bullying can cause significant harm.
  • all CYP, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse.
  • everyone has a role to play in preventing all forms of bullying (including online) and putting a stop to bullying.

We will seek to prevent bullying by

  • Implementing a code of conduct that sets out how everyone involved in our organisation is expected to behave, in face-to-face contact and online, and within and outside of our activities.
  • Holding regular discussions with employees, volunteers, CYP and families who use our organisation about bullying and how to prevent it.
  • Providing support and training for all employees and volunteers on dealing with all forms of bullying, including racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic and sexual bullying.
  • Putting clear and robust anti-bullying procedures in place in all Brunel provisions.

Responding to Bullying

We make sure our response to incidents of bullying considers:

  • the needs of the person being bullied
  • the needs of the person displaying bullying behaviour
  • the needs of any bystanders
  • our organisation as a whole

Recording Bullying

Bullying information is appropriately recorded and reported on, termly. This allows the trust to understand patterns, trends and areas of concern. But most importantly act proactively to support all CYP in all our educational provisions. The trust drive is to reduce instances of bullying across all aspects of the organisation.

Related policies and procedures

This policy statement should be read alongside our organisational policies and procedures including:

  • safeguarding and child protection policy and procedures
  • managing allegations of abuse made against staff
  • code of conduct for staff and volunteers
  • equality, diversity and inclusion policies

In addition to the Brunel Anti-Bullying Strategy Statement, all provision websites have a published Anti-Bullying Strategy Statement and an Anti-Bullying Policy, which are in line with the Trust wide approved templates. All provision websites also have published a Behaviour Policy and Attendance Policy, in line with the statutory DfE guidance. All policies are reviewed annually, app