Welcome to All Aboard Nursery

Welcome to All Aboard Nursery

All Aboard Nursery is a 12-place nursery registered for children between the ages of 3 and 5 years, and is open from 8:45am to 3:30pm during term time only

All Aboard nursery is accessible to and inclusive of all ASD/SCID affected children and their families from across the whole Swindon Borough.


It is expected that most applications to All Aboard Nursery will be made following recommendation from other health, care and in some cases education professionals already involved with your child. These professionals who know your child already will have indicated that he/she meets criteria to be admitted and supported by our specialist All Aboard Nursery provision. Professionals well placed to make a recommendation to All Aboard Nursery may include the health visitor, other health workers, portage team, speech and language therapist, Swindon Early years Consultant and others.

Admissions and Funding Policy

Application Form


All Aboard Nursery provides care for children aged 3 and 4 who have presenting needs relating to difficulty with social communication.

Funding is achieved through Parents’ entitlement to the Universal 15 hours per week for 38 weeks a year, from the term after their child turns 3 years old. Places are also available for the 30 government funded hours available to working parents.

The cost of care hours are met by government funding, but other optional services offered by the nursery including: lunch, snacks, and some activities are chargeable directly to parents/carers. These additional services will be invoiced monthly.

All Aboard Nursery are pleased to work in partnership on a shared care basis with other childcare providers such as mainstream nurseries and pre-schools, relatives, childminders and so on.

Curriculum Documents

All Aboard Nursery Curriculum Intent