Admissions Statement
The Brunel family operates across Swindon and surrounding areas. Brunel places the development and achievement of our children and young people at the heart of our vision and strategic direction. We are totally inclusive and never exclude. We have high expectations for all our children and young people and work towards everyone realising their potential.
Brunel is committed to equality of opportunity and to promoting diversity. We have a ‘can do’ approach to meeting the needs of all children and young people.
Expertise across Brunel is widely distributed and this enables us to be highly proactive when considering admissions.
Mainstream Admissions Process
For our mainstream children, please refer to the school's Admission Policy.
SEND Admissions Process
Any placement within a Brunel provision will be as a result of careful consideration of that young person’s needs, how effectively those needs can be met in that provision and whether they can be met without detriment to other children and young people already at the provision.
It is essential that each of our special education provisions carefully manages its pupil and student intake to ensure that they are placed within a context that will most effectively support them to reach their full potential.
Decisions regarding the placement of children and young people involved a number of stakeholders, such as the view of the child or young person, parent/carer preference and the views of experts within our education provision.
Brunel provisions require applicants to have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
Assessments are thorough and it is often our practice that the child or young person will be observed as part of the overall assessment process.
Once placement has been agreed, clear and planned transition arrangements are put in place to manage the move. These will be tailored for individual children and young people.
Our Post-16 places at Horizons College are subject to availability of funding and funding eligibility criteria as laid out in the Education & Skills Funding Agency’s funding regulations.
No Placement Offer
If a decision is taken not to offer a place, clear reasons will be given for that recommendation. The reasons will be expressed in terms of the needs of the children and young people, whether a place is available at the provision within the appropriate context and/or the efficient education of other children and young people already in situ, so that it is clear why the recommendation is made that they do not meet the published admissions criteria.